Expert Shares About Lease Options in Current Market

Guest Speaker: John Jackson

Often referred to as the “King of Lease Options,” John Jackson is considered the nation’s premier authority on real estate lease options.

Numerous other nationally recognized real estate educators refer their students to him to learn his groundbreaking lease option systems.

Since launching his lease option company Leasing To Buy® in 2003, he has facilitated over 650 lease option transactions – and his students have in turn done hundreds of lease option transactions as well. He is also the only educator that teaches Texas Lease options; numerous real estate attorneys refer to John for education and training on the subject.

By utilizing his lease option strategies and systems, you can also create a very successful lease option business, or add a powerful and useful tool to your real estate toolbelt.

John has been featured on FOX, NBC and multiple podcasts and radio shows, in addition to his inclusion in a #1 Amazon bestseller called “Real Estate Rockstars.”

What you’ll learn in this episode:


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