Lance Edwards, the host of the Greenlight REI podcast, is the #1 Bestselling author of “How To Make Big Money in Small Apartments.” He has been involved in buying and reselling small apartment buildings since 2002, when he discovered real estate investing as a supplemental income source to his demanding, full-time corporate job. His first deal was a small apartment fourplex that he bought with nothing down. Over the years, he has done deals ranging from three to nearly 300 units – and within three years he was able to retire from corporate America. His company, First Cornerstone Group, LLC is a real estate education and marketing company which enables both new and experienced real estate investors to accelerate their path to financial independence through small apartment investing. Houston Business Journal recognized Lance’s company as the 13th fastest growing private company in the city.

What you’ll learn in this episode:

*Why small apartments are the ideal investment

*The five point checklist of what makes an ideal investment using the acronym I D E A L: I (Ideal Investment), D (Depreciation), E (Equity), A (Appreciation), L (Leverage)

*The Three Performance Indicators of a good deal: Cap Rate, Cash on Cash Return, Five Year Annual ROI

*The concept of Cash on Cash Return as a measure of leverage

*Why a five year ROI is greater than your Cash on Cash Return, which in turn is higher than your cap rate when you invest in small apartments with other people’s money

*How to determine the market value for your properties

*How to increase the value of an apartment building by raising the Net Operating Income, i.e. raising the revenue

*Tax benefits of owning apartments

*Information on the tax free sales of your apartments via the 10 31 exchange, based on IRS Code Section 10 31.

*How to “harvest your equity”

*Exit Strategy Options, including forced appreciation of a stable property and buying and holding properties (and extra buy and hold tax benefits of depreciation

*Detailed “buy and hold” strategies

Grab a FREE Copy of Lance’s Best Selling Book “How to Make Big Money in Small Apartments” Here.

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