Guest Speaker: Carl Allen, Founder and CEO of Ninja Acquisitions

The Power of Leverage in the Buying and Selling of Businesses

Carl Allen, Founder and President of Ninja Acquisitions, is an entrepreneur, investor, and corporate dealmaker. Carl has worked on transactions worth over $50 billion, which includes over 250 acquisitions and sales, together with more than 100 capital fund raising projects. In a 24-year career, Carl has analyzed thousands of businesses, big and small, in 17 different countries and across nearly every business sector, including technology, pharmaceuticals, transport and logistics, engineering, manufacturing, aerospace, consumer goods and services, business services, retail, professional services, finance, packaging, and corporate clothing. He has a solid reputation as an investor and corporate dealmaker, having worked for Bank of America, Hewlett-Packard, Forrester, and Gartner. In addition to advising some of the world’s largest corporations on investments, acquisitions, disposals, and restructuring, Carl has also assisted hundreds of business owners in raising both equity and debt finance.

Carl Allen is an entrepreneur, investor, and corporate dealmaker with unique expertise in acquiring strong, established and profitable businesses for no money down. Carl has worked on transactions worth over $50 billion in annual sales revenue, which includes over 250 acquisitions and 100 private investments. In a 24-year career, Carl has analyzed thousands of businesses, big and small, in 17 different countries and across nearly every business sector, including technology, pharmaceuticals, transport and logistics, engineering, manufacturing, aerospace, consumer goods and services, business services, retail, professional services, finance, packaging, and corporate clothing.

The Business Buying Accelerator was created by Carl Allen, Founder and CEO of Ninja Acquisitions.

What you’ll learn about in this episode:

*The astounding number of businesses for sale in America for under $5 million

*How Carl went from doing corporate mergers and acquisitions to buying and selling his own small businesses

*Statistics about how many of the businesses up for sale in America today will sell in the next 12 months.

*Common misconceptions regarding financing which prevent people from buying businesses

*How to start finding businesses for sale

*The importance of leveraging personal networks, including LinkedIn

*The differences between being an owner/investor, owner/manager and a dealmaker only

*How many Americans started businesses last year – and what percentage of them failed

*How Carl’s training webinar and course helps create entrepreneurial leaders that can inspire their businesses to go to the next level

*Key exit strategies in selling a business

*Three “due diligence” steps in buying a business that will help it sell for a profit later

*The major difference between real estate and business investing

*The importance of mindset and getting rid of limiting beliefs in buying and selling businesses

*The psychology behind our desire to buy

*Details of Cal’s master class training and his 10-step system of buying and selling businesses


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