Guest Speaker: Jay Conner

How to Get More Money Than You Know What to Do With, with Jay Conner

Jay Conner’s message is so critical to your wealth. The key to buying bank-owned properties in the current market is private money. Without it, you’re not going far. With it, you can buy four houses a month from your desk and get deals at 40-60 cents on the dollar.

Jay is a guy who’s made over a million per year in the last 8 years in a town of little more than 40K, and all while only working about 10 hours a month. It’s all due to private money. He’ll show you how he raised $2,100,000 in 90 days and give you the scripts and steps to do the same.

What you’ll learn about in this episode:

*Automating your business and how it can free up your life

*What private lending is and how it differs from hard money

*How Jay developed the problem of having more money from private lenders than he knows what to do with

*What to say to put yourself in control with private money

*The percent of the after-repair value you should shoot for with a private lender

*Points to make to private lenders to encourage them to invest their money

*Disadvantages of investing in the stock market

*How private lending gets even easier once you build trust

*Where to find private lenders quickly and easily

*Using the rule of five to find private lenders with hardly any effort

*A short script to use to talk to your contacts about using their money for private lending

*Why private lending can be called unlimited funding

*What you can learn from Jay’s free online class

*The hardest part of private lending

*A sneak peek on a future podcast where Jay talks about how to find foreclosure

*Why you don’t have to be in a big market to enjoy big income


Watch Jay’s Training Webinar                       

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