Guest Speaker: Quincy Long

Self-Directed IRAs – Investing in What You Know Best with Quincy Long, President of Quest IRA

Quincy Long is the President of Quest IRA and works in the Houston corporate office. He has been a licensed Texas attorney since 1991, specializing in real estate and has been a fee attorney for American Title Company. In 1990, Quincy received his Doctor of Jurisprudence from the University of Houston, and continued his education, receiving his Masters of Law in 1997. He has sat on the board of directors of the Realty Investment Club of Houston (RICH), the second largest real estate club in the country, and maintains the title of Certified IRA Service Professional, CISP. Quincy is also the author of numerous articles on self-directed IRAs and other real estate related topics, many of which can be found on the Quest IRA website. He is the co-author of “Real Estate Investment Using Self-Directed IRAs and Other Retirement Plans.” Widely known for his enthusiasm, attention to detail and knowledge of the Self-Directed retirement industry, he is one of the most sought after key note speakers in the nation.

What you’ll learn about in this episode:

*The definition of a Self-Directed IRA and the common investments people make with them

*The seven varieties of self-directed accounts, including traditional IRAs, SEP IRAs and ROTH IRAs.

*The practical (and sometimes crazy!) things people invest in – and what the IRS says you CAN’T use your self-directed IRA to invest in

*The purpose of IRAs and what you can and cannot do with them

*The rules governing all IRA-related transactions

*The differences between a traditional IRA and a self-directed IRA

*The definition of an IRS, LLC

*Why Quest IRA recently changed its name to Quest Trust Company and the services they provide

*The many benefits of a health savings account (HSA)

*The benefits of a Coverdell Education Savings Account, a tax advantaged investment account designed to encourage savings to cover future education


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