Lance Edwards is the author of the best-selling book, “How to Make Big Money in Small Apartments.” His company, First Cornerstone Group, LLC is a real estate education and marketing company which enables both new and experienced real estate investors to accelerate their path to financial independence thru small apartment investing, using other people’s money. Houston Business Journal recognized Lance’s company as the 13th fastest growing private company in Houston, Texas.

But it all started for Lance in 2002 when he discovered real estate investing as a supplemental income source to his full-time and demanding corporate job. Thanks to his mentor’s advice, Lance skipped the traditional route of single family and started instead with multi-family. His first purchase was a four-unit small apartment building which he purchased nothing-down and with 100% seller-financing. No bank was involved.

Over the next 2 ½ years he purchased and flipped 50 more properties, part-time – all using other people’s money. Within three years of his part-time start in small apartments, Lance was able to retire from his twenty-year job in 2005, and focus on real estate investing full-time. Lance has personally done apartment deals ranging in size from three units to nearly 300 units.

Since 2007, he’s also taught and mentored thousands nationwide on how to get started in small apartment investing (2-30 units), using none of their own cash or credit and with no prior experience. Lance teaches, “start small and then scale-up to mid-size and large apartments.”

Whether wholesaling or buying, his student success stories are those of everyday people, mostly beginners, who’s very first real estate deal was a small apartment building.

To hear their personal stories and receive FREE training on how you can get started with small apartments, using none of your own cash or credit, and with no prior experience, visit

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